Just wanted to write a quick little post to let you all know that I'm officially back. I have no idea how many people actually follow this little blog o'mine, but for those who do, I hope that this comes as good news to you.
Here's a little update on what's happened with me since last February (and the primary reasons for my absence). Well, I was involved in about 24320903 weddings - or maybe less. I don't know; I lost count after the 3rd one. All I know is that the seamstress at Alfred Angelo Bridal now knows me by name, and if that's not impressive, then I don't know what is.
Here's me at wedding number 2329230. Look how happy I am! |
I also met and started dating an amazing guy. He makes me laugh every day and I'm sure that you will hear more stories in upcoming posts (but not in a sappy way, I promise).
In May, I also moved out of my parents' house for the third time (YAY!). I think this time it's for reals, you guys. I really like my little apartment - although it's not the first time I've lived on my own and I certainly miss not having to pay rent, I like having a space I can actually call mine. Oh, there's also the small issue of the multiple infestations I've had to deal with since moving in, but again, that's another story for another post.
Picture taken at the scene of the crime. Note: missing bait, foil wrapper left behind as a taunting message. |
And finally (internet drum roll please) - I finished my Master's Degree in December! That's right, I'm officially a Master of Strategic Marketing. It was a lot of hard work, but it was completely worth it. My only real complaint is that I can't reasonably ask people to call me "Master." But hey, if people with their Doctorates can be called "Doctor," why can't people with an M.S. be called "Master?" It's educational discrimination, dagnabbit!
Anywho, so that's pretty much my 2011 in a nutshell and I'm sure that 2012 will have lots more (entertaining) craziness in store - and I promise that this time, I'll be writing more about it!
Till next time,